
Welcome to our new page! We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. For those who may have missed the opportunity to submit your SPCA dues, there’s still time.  If you haven’t already, please consider joining the Association with your $30 membership dues. It’s still less than $3/month, and we believe that community involvement is the root to a thriving neighborhood. New this year SPCA T-shirt’s! Please go to the Merchandise page for more information.

You may pay your dues through PayPal!


Mail Option:
Sauganash Park Community Association
P.O. Box 46174
Chicago, IL 60646-0174

– OR-

Drop off at:

North Shore Community Bank
4343 West Peterson Avenue
Be sure to make your check out to the Sauganash Park Community Association!

We look forward to seeing you all soon!

E-Mail: [email protected]

‘Like” us and join our Facebook Page!

Follow us on Twitter!  @sauganashpark

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