Update on Snow Plowing

Our friends at American Snow Removal have concluded their work in Sauganash Park. We believe that the operation was largely successful.

We also found some spots where we can improve. The East and West streets did not get plowed according to our schedule. Also, some areas of some streets did not receive complete end-to-end clearance. We apologize to those affected.

In the future we will provide our drivers with maps of our neighborhood clearly detailing our blocks and boundaries.  By communicating more effectively with drivers, we will lessen our reliance on dispatch to convey all the necessary information.

Parking in The Learning Experience Lot

Our neighbors at The Learning Experience, located at 4110 W. Peterson, have generously offered to share their parking lot with us in case of another weather related emergency.  However, they ask that we keep the space in front of the building open, so that parents can drop off their children. Also, it’d be neighborly to reserve spots close to the building for the teachers. Again, it is so nice of them to share the lot with us in such a time. Let’s try our best to respect their needs.

Thank You!

A blizzard on-top of a pandemic is uniquely stressful. Yet, it was great to see our community come together and handle the problem. People made sacrifices. They shoveled out snow-blasted cars. They cleared alley entries and drive-way openings multiple times. It was a lot of hard work, but it felt pretty good seeing it happen too.

Thank you so much for being a part of our community and contributing in the ways that you do!

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