April 2021 Updates

A Word From Peoples Gas Regarding Streets and Sidewalks

Neighbors have been concerned about the conditions of the streets and the sidewalks in many parts of Sauganash Park. We contacted the Ward Office and they contacted Peoples Gas. Here is the response from Peoples Gas:

“We know there is a lot of restoration work to do and it will be starting soon.

KS hopes to get out to Pulaski & Devon area to begin concrete restoration as early as next week or the following, waiting on some construction work to wrap up.

The plan will likely be to work from North to South, starting on Keystone from Devon to Granville and pick up what is available along Pulaski just east from Devon to Granville as well. From there we would work our way over to Karlov from Granville to Glenlake and finally KS will move one block west to Kedvale from Glenlake to Peterson.

Once the concrete crews get rolling we expect this work to move along quickly. Soft restoration won’t happen until transfers/cutoffs are completed likely in mid-May.”

Praying Mantis Egg Sign-Up Continues

Each spring the SPCA delivers praying mantis eggs to members on our distribution list. These eggs are placed in backyards throughout Sauganash Park and provide natural mosquito control. We have ordered the eggs and plan to distribute soon. If you are an SPCA member and would like us to deliver praying mantis eggs to your home this spring, sign up here.

Earth Day Cleanup Event Scheduled

The SPCA is planning an Earth Day cleanup event on Saturday, April 24th at 9 AM. Neighbors will meet at the underpass by Granville and Lowell. A second group of volunteers will also meet at the same time on Glenlake and Keystone to clean the other trail. The alderman’s office will provide us with additional garbage cans for the event. Let’s hope for great weather!

“Slow Down, Children Playing” Signs Available

Alderman Nugent has “Slow Down, Children Playing” yard signs available to 39th Ward neighbors. If you would like a sign for your yard, you can pick them up at 4200 W. Lawrence Avenue, Monday-Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.  You can also request a sign by calling 773.255.4498 or via email at [email protected].

Spring General Meeting for the SPCA

The SPCA holds a General Meeting annually on the third Tuesday of April. We invite all interested community members to attend. Our Spring General Meeting will be held by ZOOM this year on April 20th at 7 PM.

Congressman Mike Quigley from the US House of Representatives will join us. Also Jenise Celestin from Sweedish Hospital will share the latest information about vaccinations for Covid-19. She will also teach us how to get vaccinated.

Here is the link to the meeting:

Meeting ID: 875 1611 0095
Passcode: 744745
Phone: +13126266799

We hope that you can join us!

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