June Updates – 4th of July Parade and Picnic Info

4th of July Parade and Picnic Event

Each year the SPCA and the SCA work together to celebrate our independence. This is usually done with a large parade that travels through Sauganash, crosses Peterson, and ends at the War Memorial. This is followed by a few short speeches from civic leaders at the memorial, and then all convene at the park for hot dogs, refreshments, and fun.


Parade Begins at 9:30 AM

This year the parade will form on the west side of Sauganash Park at 9 AM on Monday, July 4th. The parade will begin around 9:30.

You and your family are welcome to march with the parade. Bicycle decorations are encouraged! Or spectate alongside the parade route and scoop up some free candy. 



Picnic to Be Held After Parade

Please join us after the parade for a picnic at Sauganash ParkOur new membership cycle begins July 1st. We encourage you to pay your dues at the event. Look for our tent. We will give you an SPCA Koozie or two to help keep your beverages cold.



The SPCA will also provide 2000 hot dogs for the event. First come first serve. 

Volunteers Needed

The SPCA cannot do our part in hosting this event without volunteers. We need help with the setup. We need help preparing hot dogs. And we need help cleaning up the mess. This is a community effort. And this is a great opportunity to give back to your community.

If you can donate some time, please signup here.

Thank you!

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