SPCA Halloween Party and Movie Night Review
Dear Neighbors,
It was wonderful to see friends, neighbors and families at Sauganash Park Community Association’s Annual Halloween Celebration! Through the tireless efforts and generosity of our neighborhood volunteers, we hosted a wildly successful event.
Senator Ram Villivalam generously donated two bounce houses. Alderman Samantha Nugent, Rep Mike Kelly and Congressman Mike Quigley helped fund our face painter and our friend and neighbor Beata Rogowski sponsored our Balloon Twister. We were also lucky enough to shake hands with our elected officials who attended.
Taffy Apples, candy goodie bags, apple cider, chalk, lemonade, popcorn galore! A very kind neighbor dropped off the most delightful Halloween buckets for our kids to enjoy. Our spirited neighbor, Jeannie Gillespie, led the kids along a parade route to spooky dance tunes. Our sound and movie setup wouldn’t have been the same without our neighbor Kinan’s expertise. The smiles were plentiful.
Folks, this is the neighborhood we are lucky enough to live in.
Won’t you help us host more events like this one? With sufficient funding and a few extra hands, the sky’s the limit! We have ideas involving an adult trivia night at Alarmist Brewery, Earth Day cleanup and of course, our wonderful 4th of July picnic. These events take a considerable amount of time, coordination and funding. We work tirelessly to add value to our neighborhood and our group of volunteers are second to none.
We had members and non-members alike join our celebration. Neighbors brought friends and family from other neighborhoods. If you attended and took a minute to purchase a raffle ticket or drop in a few bucks to the donation jar, THANK YOU! If you didn’t have a chance, would you consider chipping in a few dollars to help fund future events?
Feel free to sign up to be a member at a low, low rate of $30 per year to get the latest updates and become a part of Sauganash Park Community Association! We look forward to having you!
Would you consider sponsoring popcorn supplies?
($30 buys enough popcorn for 30 people!)
Want more amazing raffle prizes similar to the candy buckets and the very generous Thule Stroller (donated by the Maticiucs)?
($15 buys a roll of raffle tickets.)
Every. Dollar. Counts. Our volunteers are unpaid and we are very resourceful. We will put your membership dollars to good use to invest back in our neighborhood.
Your friend and neighbor from the SPCA Board,
Iram McGill
Submit Photos for Our Gallery
We made a photo gallery of the event on our website. We’d like to add your photos too. Please submit them through this form or email them to [email protected]. We will be updating the gallery throughout this week.
Feedback Requested
Thank you again to everybody who attended and participated. We are collecting feedback on the event. Please take a few minutes to share your opinions and ideas if you would be so kind.