Announcing the SPCA 2022 Holiday Decorating Contest

The SPCA is once again organizing our annual Holiday Decorating Contest. This a time when we as a community recognize those well-decorated homes that brighten our neighborhood. Here is the timeline for this year’s contest:

  • Sunday, December 11th – Online Nominations Open (Nominate Homes Using an Online Form)
  • Saturday, December 17th – Nomination Night (In-Person Event and Final Nominations Submitted)
  • Sunday, December 18th – Nominations Close and Online Voting Begins
  • Saturday, December 24th – Voting Period Ends
  • Sunday, December 25th (or shortly after) – Contest Winners Announced

The four homes that receive the most votes will be declared our winners. The prizes this year are NOT monetary. Rather, we have four small trophies for the winners and ribbons for all nominees. Additionally, photos of the winning homes will be submitted to the Sauganash Sounds.

This contest is nondenominational, decided by community, and all are welcome to participate


Nomination Night (In-Person Event)

The SPCA will host an in-person Nomination Night. We will setup our tent at the corner of Tripp and Granville. All community members are welcome to walk or drive up and get some hot chocolate and cookies. We will also give you a nomination card. Then you can scout the neighborhood and nominate well-decorated homes.  

This will be a fun activity for individuals and families that want to appreciate and recognize the efforts of our neighbors and the beauty of our community

Participants can return nomination cards to our tent between 4:30 and 7:30 on Saturday, December 17th. We will then take photos of the 20 homes that receive the most nominations and add them to a gallery. Then the voting period will open.

What: Nomination Night for Our 2022 Holiday Decorating Contest
Where: Tripp and Granville
When: Saturday, December 17th from 4:30 – 7:30 PM

We will send you emails and make announcements throughout December as the contest progresses through its stages. We hope that you participate!

Join or Renew Now

Our community association is the SPCA. We are a volunteer organization. We rely on membership dues from our neighbors. Our membership cycle runs from July 1st to June 30th. We are now in the 2022-23 cycle.

If you haven’t joined or renewed yet for this year, please do so as soon as you canWe need your membership to support our snow plowing efforts this winter

Thank you!

Don Morton
SPCA Chairperson

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