Spring General Meeting THIS TUESDAY, May 2nd
Spring General Meeting THIS TUESDAY
Our Spring General Meeting is this Tuesday at 7 PM. The meeting will be held at the Sauganash Park Fieldhouse. US Congressman Mike Quigley and Alderman Sam Nugent will speak.
We will host an election for the officers of our board. Any and all dues-paying SPCA members are invited to run and / or vote.
We will also gauge community interest in planting new trees in our easements and parkways, as we did several years ago.
PLEASE JOIN US IN-PERSON. All interested parties are welcome to attend.
WHAT: Spring General Meeting
WHEN: Tuesday, May 2nd at 7 PM
WHERE: The Sauganash Park Fieldhouse
WHO: US Congressman Mike Quigley and Alderman Sam Nugent
Successful Earth Day Clean Up Event
Thank you to all who participated in our annual SPCA Earth Day Clean Up event. Special thanks to Sauganash Brownie Troop 26105 who came out in full force! The event was productive and our community and trails are much cleaner due to our collective efforts.
Also thanks to Alderman Nugent and the 39th Ward for the assistance!
Signup for Praying Mantis Egg Distribution
The SPCA will distribute praying mantis eggs to interested members this spring. Praying mantis provide safe and effective insect control. They are voracious predators and wholly organic. We have sourced 400 eggs and seek to distribute them around the neighborhood.
Dues-paying members can signup to receive free praying mantis eggs this spring. If you have already signed up THIS YEAR, you do not need to signup again.
Join or Renew Your SPCA Now
Our community association is the SPCA. We are a volunteer organization. We rely on membership dues from our neighbors. Though it is a new year soon, we are still in our 2022-23 cycle. Our membership cycle runs from July 1st to June 30th.
If you haven’t joined or renewed yet for this year, please do so as soon as you can. Help us grow as a community association!